Tag Archives: finding peace

New LinkedIn Group for Teachers of the Peace in a Frantic World course

"Finding Peace in a Frantic World - Teachers" is a new group on LinkedIn for those teaching the course.

“Finding Peace in a Frantic World – Teachers” is a new group on LinkedIn for those teaching the course.

There’s a new LInkedIn Group for those teaching the “Peace in a Frantic World” course.  It’s only been recently that I trained to run this programme and it’s good to be connected to others who’ve been trained to run it too… so we can offer each other support, advice, tips and suggestions.

This course is an 8-week programme developed by Mark Williams and Chris Cullen.  It’s based on the best-selling book, “Mindfulness: a guide to Finding Peace in A Frantic World”, which has sold nearly 200 000 copies and been translated into 19 different languages worldwide.